Four years ago we brought our FATE 1.0 students to Google Ann Arbor for a workshop and we are so excited we got to share the Google experience with our 10th graders this year! The whole day our students were immersed into all things Google -- learning how to use Google products, taking a tour of the office (the “cave” was a fan favorite, perfect for napping!), and working one-on-one with a Googler! The goal of the day was to practice “Presenting with Confidence”. With support from their Googler and mentor, each student created a presentation based on the following prompt:
During an interview, the interviewer asks you to provide an example of a life experience you have gone through that makes you qualified to work at Google. Share an experience that has helped shape your confidence.
With the prompt in mind, students discussed memories from their past, recent experiences that have helped shape who they are, and skills and characteristics they possess. A narrative was created through Google Slides and each student had three minutes to give their presentation to their small breakout group (8-12 people). Students not only practiced presenting with confidence, but also went through a “giving feedback” exercise for each of their peers. At the end of the presentations, each student and mentor voted on “the best presentation” and a winner was chosen from five different breakout groups. These five students were then asked to give their presentations again, but this time in front of a large audience (50+ people) made up of fellow students, mentors, FATE Staff, and all of the Googlers!
The five students chosen to give these BIG presentations were: Tyler, Sa’Lena, Te, Tiffani, and Olivia. To give you a glimpse into what was shared, the titles of each presentation included: “Positivity is Key”, “The Interviewee”, “Te’s Google Life”, “One Step Forward”, and “Path to Perseverance”. A panel of judges from Google scored each presentation and provided feedback, choosing one winner -- Olivia! We were SO INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED with the top 5’s presentations -- they exuded confidence -- and all of our FATE students who got up in front of an audience and shared who they are and why Google should hire them. We feel so proud.
A special thank you to Jessica Mitchell, Charles Scrase, Nakia Johnson, and the 21 Googlers who volunteered their time to hang out with our FATE students for a day!
“There are few experiences as memorable as the time our group has visited Google. I find it so impressive that a company of such magnitude, can create such an intimate, personal experience for young high school students. Thank you so much for a day filled with such encouragement, inspiration, and generosity. We are so grateful for all the time put into making the day incredible, and the amazing people who brought it to life. Can't wait to do it again!”
Quote Provided by Kuhu Saha, Executive Director, Give Merit