Field Day 2018
Friday, we invited our 10th and 11th grade FATE students to the Legacy Center in Brighton, MI for our annual field day! Our 41 students and 20 mentors split into 10 teams and competed to be the field day champions!
The day started with a number of team building activities, then the students moved on to a presentation on why Media Matters. Each student learned the importance of how you present yourself, and learned actions towards being a good team player. The teams then participated in a number of challenges, ending in a final game of tug-of-war. Congratulations team #1, Percilla, Mekhi, and Le’Morris for being our 2018 Field Day Champions!
After a winning team was chosen, one by one teams made there way to the press conference debrief and post game interview. Rod Beard, reporter and sports writer for college and professional teams across Michigan, interviewed each team about their experience at field day- and specifically about their team dynamics. We were amazed at all of our student’s ability to look past their victories or shortcomings, and respond positively about their team’s dedication and collective efforts.
Special thanks to Rod Beard, the Legacy Center, and the L.E.A.D. Foundation for their support with field day!
- Kendall Sidman, FATE Intern 2018
Photography By: Allison Farrand