Field Day
This year, we had our very first field day with our 10th Grade Cohort! Our students participated in a variety of team building activities to further develop skills in leadership, teamwork, communication, and support. Team pride was fostered throughout the day by creating an original poem/rap/song to introduce each group member and developing a skit that described one of the five FATE rules which include:
- We Give Respect. We Get Respect.
- Honesty is the only Policy.
- To Listen is to Learn.
- Be Polite. Be Present. Be Kind.
- Curse? Fight? Cell Phones? Strike, Strike, Out.
- ….and we must HAVE FUN!!
David also took our students through a reflective process of how to present oneself and your team positively and respectfully. They began the activity by picking a word that describes how they want to be perceived by others. A few words included:
“I want people to look at me as a clock because I’m always changing, I’m always moving forward” -- Carlos
“I said friendly because I am cool with a lot of people and I help people go through stuff” -- Brianna
We also looked at “how we’re perceived by others” from a media lens where students learned key interviewing tips: share praise, eye contact, be engaging, and don’t blame others. They got to practice these skills at the end of the day when David interviewed them (on camera) about how their team worked together. The remainder of the workshop included fast-paced competitions such as “The Bucket Challenge” where you had to get the most water in your bucket in 4 minutes. The catch -- the bottom of the bucket has holes and you have to carry it as a team holding jump ropes! Another challenge was called “Tennis Balls” where you had to get as many tennis balls from one bucket into another in 4 minutes without using your arms or hands! We had such a blast kicking off our 2018-2019 Program Year with our now 10th Grade Cohort!
Photography By: Christian O'Grady